Prayer Notes 3
Sunbury Winter Shelter 2021 28th May 2021
So many challenges and so many achievements to be thankful for over these last weeks. Who can doubt that God has His hand on The Winter Shelter project – and each person involved in it.
The unexpected paperwork required by Hume Council in order to safe guard each venue, each volunteer, created a flurry of emails and forms but with dedicated support for Chris and Ian at this end and full co-operation from Hume Staff, the seemingly impossible was achieved and Sunbury Winter Shelter was given the ‘go ahead’ in time to start on the 1st June.
BUT … Lockdown was imposed! As things stand at the moment, the plan is to begin on Saturday 5th June.
This will be a year of week to week decisions on how the program will be carried out Pray that those involved in decision making will be attentive to God’s wisdom
Volunteer training was successfully carried out with the majority of those from both churches and community in attendance. Those unable to attend will have personal access to the video that was created at one of the days. Pray for each of the 200 people who have put their hand up. And pray for those who have the challenging job of creating Rosters
Although’200’ seems a huge number, there is still need for more as peoples’ availability varies over the winter months
Continue to hold those who will be our guests in your prayers
And hold each team as they begin to work together with both people they know and team members they don’t know. What a great opportunity to truly be ‘community’
In the last Prayer Notes I mentioned one of our 1919 guests who was in danger of losing his rental. The situation was caused by mis-information and has been resolved in a fair and reasonable way. Continue to hold him up to our loving God
Once again, bless you all for your faithful prayer
Barb Ashley
Then the King will say, I’m telling the solemn truth. Whenever you (showed kindness) to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me – you did it to me Matt 25:40
Prayer Notes 2
Sunbury Winter Shelter 2021 17th May 2021
Cold nights bring home to us the importance of the Winter Shelter project, beginning in just 2 weeks. As the Committee and the Team Leaders continue to prepare, our focus this week will be to hold each volunteer before God asking that they will sense His presence and His strength enfolding them.
Remember the Training Days that each one will be attending and the Leaders responsible for that important job Di Moon asks us to pray for a particular guest who was with us through 2019 and has been in private accommodation since Nov 2019 but is now in fear of eviction as a result of being behind in his Rent
Please pray for:
- The Steering Committee. For wisdom and insight as they sort through the various protocols for each venue, including those that Covid has imposed on us
- More volunteers, particularly for the overnight rosters
- The Team Leaders of each designated venue as they plan how to deal with rosters, with meals and with general housekeeping as well as Covid level cleaning regimes
- That kindness and respect will be uppermost in all our actions – to each other and to our guests
I will finish with a copy of this heartfelt prayer that Matt Ciappara sent to us
Heavenly Father, we uphold the people who are living dangerously outdoors as Winter season quickly approaches, may you Lord warm their hearts with your spirit and guide them to know your infinite love
and knowledge of SWS plus other known winter shelter programs around Melbourne that work with your hands to provide a roof over their heads with your wisdomIn the name of our saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.
Bless you all as you faithfully undergird the SWS project with prayer Barb Ashley (
Prayer Notes 1
Sunbury Winter Shelter 2021 5 th May 2021
As the Steering Committee continue to deal with all the details (and there are many), we need to be gathering our prayer teams to support them and to prepare the way ahead for each venue team, for our wonderful volunteers and for the guests that we will be offering hospitality to.
Please pray for:
- The Steering Committee. For wisdom and insight as they sort through the various protocols for each venue, including those that Covid has imposed on us
- Chris and Ian working tirelessly to connect ideas and possibilities, people and businesses who are offering support – and always with a smile.
- More volunteers, particularly for the overnight rosters
- Each volunteer, particularly those facing their first experience of SWS and may be a little apprehensive. Also uphold the two fast approaching Volunteer Training Days
- The Team Leaders of each designated venue as they plan how to deal with rosters, with meals and with general housekeeping as well as Covid level cleaning regimes
- Clarification is currently needed regarding Laundry and Shower situations
- And of course always, our guests
- That kindness and respect will be uppermost in all our actions – to each other and to our guests
I’ve not left much room for the ‘Thankyou’s but included would be the wonderful generosity of Sunbury community, businesses and individuals. The Printer who refused to charge for the printing of our posters, the Scouts who have generously offered us the use of their hall, Bunnings, individuals and small groups offering practical help.
Bless you all as you faithfully undergird the SWS project with prayer
Barb Ashley (