Di Moon | Barb Ashley | Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Deller | Jane Voon |
Project Coordinator | Prayer Coordinator | Secretary | Chairperson |
dismale@bigpond.com.au | barbaraashley@me.com | wns.sunbury@gmail.com | jane0voon@gmail.com |
0404 266 296 | 0410 439 724 | 0490 698 174 | 0498 014 246 |
all community-minded Sunbury people interested in registering with the
Sunbury Winter Shelter that will be caring for homeless people during
the coming winter months.
have a Community Team (non-church) hosting the SWS at the Learmonth
Street Scout Hall from June 1st to Aug 31st – Saturday evenings,
overnight and breakfast Sunday morning. Your venue coordinator is Ron
Carbis assisted by Kate Edwards. If this sounds like you, why not
register today? Register on the SWS Facebook page or on our website
where you’ll find plenty of information about the shelter.